Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Mattie on the inbound Posted by Hello

Go Patriots Posted by Hello

Another Day in Paradise

Well, the big news is I have broken one of the bones in my foot. Here is how-Last Wednesday in a hurry to get out the door to take Mattie to youth group, I broke one of my little piggies. And it was the little piggy that 'had none' on my left foot. Mattie was leaning against the bar in the kitchen and I was hurrying around him to get my shoes on. Well I didn't move out far enough and banged my sock clad foot against his shoe clad foot. (Just the last 3 toes on my left foot.)Boy oh boy did that smart. So today I have toes splinted against each other and taped together. Just call me hop-a-long.
And speaking of Mattie tonight he has a basketball game. This will be his 3rd game. He is improving and I am so happy he is participating in anything. At 5'9'' he is one of the tallest on his team. I hope you like the pics of him in his uniform.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

3 Boybarians and Girlzilla storm the castle Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 15, 2005

"Gramma, Pinky!" Posted by Hello

Have some Tea Dean Posted by Hello

Tea with Shrek Posted by Hello

Serenity says, "Go Steelers" Posted by Hello

Merry Christmas Serenity Posted by Hello


Greetings friends.
Here are some fun pictures of Serenity. She has been such a joy to all of us. She is now 17 months old, and has been with us for over 6 months now. She received a table and chair set, tea set and play food, Chinese and Italian. her favorite passtime now is havig Tea Parties and Luncheons with her dolls and brothers!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Welcome Home

Jan 13, 2005
Today Serenity and I went to the court house to apply for her PA birth certificate. After talking with the clerk and filling out forms and a check(everyone needs their fees), we now wait about 4 weeks to receive her official Pa birth certificate. She is already a citizen of this great land complete with Certificate of Citizenship and a welcome letter from President Bush, this is just one more hurdle to jump in the whole process.